Indie/Synth Pop

Alexei Saba (Sabzi)
Kelsey Bulkin

When I first heard their song "Viices,"  I knew I had found something special.
The song starts off real slow with these nice bells and ticks. Then around a minute in, it really kicks into gear. The drums pick up, the bass starts kicking in hard and then the song takes you on a journey.

After hearing this first song, I decided to go and check out their other music.
YouTube directed me to their song, "Murakami" (not on their album).
This song is weird, but its really good! Its very hard to describe the song.
Just go listen for yourself!

You can hear all their other songs on SoundCloud. Some of them are free downloads!
Listen to their album here. Don't forget to pick your favourite song (survey on the right).

MADE IN HEIGHTS shares some similarities with Purity Ring and Banks, but they really can't compare in my opinion. I have not found anything this good in a while.

Their lyrics are really good. I don't really understand the meaning of any of them, but you know an artist is really good when their lyrics confuse the shit out of you. I don't usually learn the words to songs, so if you're a fan of that, then you'll have spend some time on a lyric website.

I generally appreciate complete bands*, but these guys are so good it hurts. The drums can be heard in all of their songs and every 8th/16th/.../1024th note is perfectly placed. It seems like some of these sounds are computer generated so its hard to go off beat, but its not easy to make it sound good. I really like their synthy sounds and oooos / ahhhs. Check out their song "Death" (also not on album), you'll see what I mean. And wow, their bass hits the spot every time. Well placed noises (sometimes they put in weird sounds) really makes this album a special one.

This album can be listened to in order or shuffled. It really doesn't matter, every song is damn good.

Favourite songs:
Skylark Interabang?
All the Places
Wildflowers (Exhale Efreet)
Chatoyant (Beauty Bass)

*Complete band = Generally a band with a minimum of 4 people. Consists of a singer, guitarist, bassist and drummer.

Go like my Facebook page: AC Pastiche


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